Saved From the Soup, Rescued Sun Bears Thrive

Now about six months old, Hope is still a little clumsy when climbing trees. Hope’s sidekick, named “173,” follows her around as if they were inseparable twins. Together, they swing in a hammock, bathe in a pool and, sometimes, climb up the metal bars of their enclosure to pull on the camera straps of adoring visitors. Though the smallest and most threatened of their kind, the two sun bear cubs are thriving. … Just a few months ago, however, the future of Hope and 173—named as such because she is the 173rd bear that was rescued and brought to Phnom Tamao Zoological Park and Wildlife Rescue Center—didn’t look so bright. Hope had become the pet of bored soldiers in Preah Vihear province, who would have likely sold her to wildlife traffickers once she got too big, and 173 was spotted on a public bus in Kratie province. Most likely, both bears would have eventually wound up as ingredients in traditional Chinese medicine, said Chuon Vuthy, program manager of Free the Bears, which built the Tamao bear enclosure and takes care of the two cubs. “I don’t think they’d have had a chance,” if they hadn’t been rescued Mr. Vuthy said. …

Denise Hruby